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Showing all 2 results

  • Hielscher Ultrasonics – Industrial Ultrasonic Devices

    Hielscher industrial ultrasonic devices are powerful, efficient and reliable. They are built to operate continuously at high load in industrial environments. With up to 16kW per device, Hielscher is the leading ultrasonics supplier for industrial …

    Hielscher industrial ultrasonic devices are powerful, efficient and reliable. They are built to operate continuously at high load in industrial environments. With up to 16kW per device, Hielscher is the leading ultrasonics supplier for industrial liquid processes.

  • Hielscher Ultrasonics – Ultrasonic Wire Cleaning

    Manufacturing wire and cable, rods, tapes, tubes and fasteners requires lubrication. Before further processing, such as galvanizing, extrusion or welding, the lubricant residues need to be cleaned off. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers you a unique ult…

    Manufacturing wire and cable, rods, tapes, tubes and fasteners requires lubrication. Before further processing, such as galvanizing, extrusion or welding, the lubricant residues need to be cleaned off. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers you a unique ultrasonic cleaning process for efficient inline cleaning.

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