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Showing all 6 results

  • Biolin – Attension Theta Optical Tensiometers

    Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrume…

    Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrumentation with broad surface science capabilities.

  • Biolin – Deposition & Characterization of Thin Films

    KSV NIMA provides instruments and measurement solutions for the fabrication and characterization of advanced organized thin films with controlled packing density.

    KSV NIMA provides instruments and measurement solutions for the fabrication and characterization of advanced organized thin films with controlled packing density.

  • Biolin – Force Tensiometers

    State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation. Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy. A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for pr…

    State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation. Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy. A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for precise measurements. Easy to operate.

  • Biolin – Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs (L&LB)

    Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs Premium systems to create thin film coatings with controlled packing density.

    Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs Premium systems to create thin film coatings with controlled packing density.

  • Biolin – QCM-D Instruments

    QSense® is the world-leading, premium QCM-D solution for nanoscale tracking of interactions at surfaces and interfaces. It can provide you with unique, reproducible, in-depth data with high productivity and ease of use along the way.


    QSense® is the world-leading, premium QCM-D solution for nanoscale tracking of interactions at surfaces and interfaces. It can provide you with unique, reproducible, in-depth data with high productivity and ease of use along the way.

    This enables a fundamental understanding of processes, an early indication of real-life outcome and the ability to optimize products and processes for authentic conditions. By investing in a QSense instrument you put yourself and your team at the forefront of scientific progress and technological innovation.

  • Biolin – QSense Superior Accuracy in Surface Interaction Analysis

    QSense is a line of instrumentation for real-time analysis of surface-molecule interactions.

    QSense is a line of instrumentation for real-time analysis of surface-molecule interactions.

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