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  • Haimer – Measuring Instruments – 3D-Sensors and Centering Devices

    The HAIMER 3D-Sensors are very precise and wide-ranging measurement devices for milling and EDM machines (isolated probe tip). They are clamped into a tool holder and inserted into a milling spindle and make it possible to pos…

    The HAIMER 3D-Sensors are very precise and wide-ranging measurement devices for milling and EDM machines (isolated probe tip). They are clamped into a tool holder and inserted into a milling spindle and make it possible to position the spindle axis exactly on the edges of the workpiece. This allows for zeros to be set and the length to be measured quickly and easily. You may approach in any direction (X-, Y-, Z-Axis). When the dial gage shows zero, the spindle axis is exactly on the workpiece edge.

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