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Showing all 3 results

  • Kolb – Speed Oven – Atollspeed

    Atollspeed Speed Oven is the most recent innovation from Kolb. Thanks to the perfect marriage of impingement and microwave technology, it offers defrosting, heating up, cooking and baking in one go.

    Atollspeed Speed Oven is the most recent innovation from Kolb. Thanks to the perfect marriage of impingement and microwave technology, it offers defrosting, heating up, cooking and baking in one go.

  • Rational – Combi Oven – iCombi Classic

    iCombi Classic. Productive. Robust. Reliable.

    iCombi Classic. Productive. Robust. Reliable.

  • RATIONAL – Combi Oven – iCombi Pro

    iCombi Pro. The new standard

    This is me. I’m new. I am experienced, think, learn, forget nothing, watch and adapt. I know the desired result, adapt the humidity, air speed and temperature automatically. Thanks to my intelligence, I wi…

    iCombi Pro. The new standard

    This is me. I’m new. I am experienced, think, learn, forget nothing, watch and adapt. I know the desired result, adapt the humidity, air speed and temperature automatically. Thanks to my intelligence, I will dynamically respond to your requirements. Has the cooking cabinet door been open too long? Is the steak thicker than usual? Are there more chips than the last time? I will automatically adjust the settings and deliver your desired result. Time and time again. With extreme efficiency. After all, that’s what my intelligence is for.

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