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Showing all 2 results

  • Rational – Combi Oven – iCombi Classic

    iCombi Classic. Productive. Robust. Reliable.

    iCombi Classic. Productive. Robust. Reliable.

  • RATIONAL – Combi Oven – iCombi Pro

    iCombi Pro. The new standard

    This is me. I’m new. I am experienced, think, learn, forget nothing, watch and adapt. I know the desired result, adapt the humidity, air speed and temperature automatically. Thanks to my intelligence, I wi…

    iCombi Pro. The new standard

    This is me. I’m new. I am experienced, think, learn, forget nothing, watch and adapt. I know the desired result, adapt the humidity, air speed and temperature automatically. Thanks to my intelligence, I will dynamically respond to your requirements. Has the cooking cabinet door been open too long? Is the steak thicker than usual? Are there more chips than the last time? I will automatically adjust the settings and deliver your desired result. Time and time again. With extreme efficiency. After all, that’s what my intelligence is for.

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