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  • Sammic – Vacuum Packing Machines – EXT Range

    EXT line consists of semi-professional vacuum packing machines without chamber.

    Semi-professional vacuum packing machines without chamber for embossed bags. They allow to reach up to 140mbar vacuum insi…

    EXT line consists of semi-professional vacuum packing machines without chamber.

    Semi-professional vacuum packing machines without chamber for embossed bags. They allow to reach up to 140mbar vacuum inside the bag, improving the durability of food or allowing its use in sous-vide cooking process.

    EXT range vacuum packing machines are stainless steel made and they are equipped with a print. Vacuum is controlled by a timer.

  • Sammic – Vacuum Packing Machines – Sensor Ultra Range

    The Sammic SU range of vacuum packaging machines features vacuum control by sensor with the display of all the vacuum programme values on a 3.9” LCD colour screen.

    The professional S…

    The Sammic SU range of vacuum packaging machines features vacuum control by sensor with the display of all the vacuum programme values on a 3.9” LCD colour screen.

    The professional Sammic vacuum packing machines enable the extension of the shelf life of raw or cooked foods, without weight loss, without drying out or mixing of flavours and odours. Both the chamber and the body are made of stainless steel and the cordless sealing bar allows simple and easy cleaning of the chamber.

    All models are equipped with Busch pumps and offer a double seal system to ensure the durability of the packaging.

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