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  • XSYS – rotec® Adapters

    rotec® adapters are high performing products to reduce the wall thickness in order to improve weight and handling of plate mounting sleeves. They are tailor-made according to the customer specifications. Choose a rotec® adapter for bridging diam…

    rotec® adapters are high performing products to reduce the wall thickness in order to improve weight and handling of plate mounting sleeves. They are tailor-made according to the customer specifications. Choose a rotec® adapter for bridging diameter differences between air cylinder and sleeve.

  • XSYS – rotec® Sleeves

    rotec® sleeves have been in use around the world since 1990. With outstanding innovations and a continuous improvement process of sleeve technology, cost efficiency, service and ecological responsibility, rotec® sleeves became the number one i…

    rotec® sleeves have been in use around the world since 1990. With outstanding innovations and a continuous improvement process of sleeve technology, cost efficiency, service and ecological responsibility, rotec® sleeves became the number one in terms of effectiveness, reliability and convenience in daily practice.

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