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Showing all 2 results

  • Ecoclean – Aqueous Cleaning Solutions

    Today environmentally friendly aqueous cleaning has taken on the most important role for the intermediate and final cleaning of parts. They tend to be preferred if a large quantity has to be cleaned and/or fine and finest cleaning has to be carrie…

    Today environmentally friendly aqueous cleaning has taken on the most important role for the intermediate and final cleaning of parts. They tend to be preferred if a large quantity has to be cleaned and/or fine and finest cleaning has to be carried out.

  • Ecoclean – Solvent Cleaning Solutions

    A common cleaning media for wet-chemical processes are solvents.

    Depending on the targetted cleanliness, the material compatibility and the nature of the contamination that has to be cleaned off either …

    A common cleaning media for wet-chemical processes are solvents.

    Depending on the targetted cleanliness, the material compatibility and the nature of the contamination that has to be cleaned off either (non-halogenated) hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents or polar solvents may be selected.

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