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  • KOPEL – Series Probe Bar

    KOPEL KSM Series probe bars enhance the measurement accuracy and repeatability of PV cell IV measurement by providing much higher precision and durability than competitors’ products.
    The KOPEL KSM Series probe bars are mounted on the KO…

    KOPEL KSM Series probe bars enhance the measurement accuracy and repeatability of PV cell IV measurement by providing much higher precision and durability than competitors’ products.
    The KOPEL KSM Series probe bars are mounted on the KOPEL KSJ-026 high-precision cell setter to ensure stable probing. Since probing performance is the key to IV measurement accuracy, the probing bars are an indispensable component for ensuring high repeatability of the measured data. Also, mass-production lines of PV cells require highly durable probe bars to reduce production cost. The KOPEL KSM Series probe bars are capable of withstanding at least 1million contacts for probing.
    The KOPEL KSM Series probe bars have a very thin but strong structure to minimize the shadow of the bar created by the simulated sunlight. And their high durability ensures accurate IV measurement at lower resistance.
    The KOPEL KSM Series probe bars are incorporated into the KOPEL KSX-1000 high-performance solar cell test system and the KSX-3000H high-efficiency solar cell test system.

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