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Showing all 9 results

  • LabVantage – Enterprise Solutions

    The LabVantage Enterprise platform is designed to scale from small single-site deployments all the way up to a global enterprise. Complex organizations tackling a large volume of data and a wide variety of work, often across mul…

    The LabVantage Enterprise platform is designed to scale from small single-site deployments all the way up to a global enterprise. Complex organizations tackling a large volume of data and a wide variety of work, often across multiple labs in multiple geographies and languages, can rely on the LabVantage Enterprise solution hosted from a single data center. There is no need for costly Citrix farms or complex distributed systems.

    LabVantage also goes beyond a traditional LIMS to incorporate functionality found in multiple lab systems – such as ELN and LES.

  • LabVantage – Pre-Packaged Solutions

    In nearly four decades of serving customers across many industries, LabVantage has learned what it takes to deliver the functionality and workflows those customers need, and want. But instead of continuing costly, risk-prone customizations, we’v…

    In nearly four decades of serving customers across many industries, LabVantage has learned what it takes to deliver the functionality and workflows those customers need, and want. But instead of continuing costly, risk-prone customizations, we’ve packaged that knowledge into industry-specific versions of LabVantage LIMS to speed deployment, without sacrificing functionality.

  • LabVantage – Express – Solution for Smaller Quality Control or Contract/Analytical Testing Labs

    It’s the ideal solution for smaller Quality Control or Contract/Analytical Testing labs that have, or want, pre-determined, standard processes to meet high quality and accreditation requirements. Right-sized and ready for deployment, LabVantage …

    It’s the ideal solution for smaller Quality Control or Contract/Analytical Testing labs that have, or want, pre-determined, standard processes to meet high quality and accreditation requirements. Right-sized and ready for deployment, LabVantage Express means you don’t have to make any post-implementation configurations.

  • LabVantage – Subscription-Based LIMS – SaaS (Solutions Available As-a-Service)

    Get the world’s most advanced and flexible LIMS – without upfront investment and infrastructure.

    Get the world’s most advanced and flexible LIMS – without upfront investment and infrastructure.

  • Lauda – Circulation Chillers

    LAUDA circulation chillers offer a comprehensive spectrum of devices for applications ranging from basic laboratory and research applications to demanding temperature control tasks in mini plants and production.

    LAUDA circulation chillers offer a comprehensive spectrum of devices for applications ranging from basic laboratory and research applications to demanding temperature control tasks in mini plants and production.

  • Lauda – Thermostat

    LAUDA thermostats are characterized by their excellent handling, highly ergonomic design, and intuitive operation. With various lines of devices including heating, cooling, circulation, process, and calibration thermostats, LAUDA thermostats offer…

    LAUDA thermostats are characterized by their excellent handling, highly ergonomic design, and intuitive operation. With various lines of devices including heating, cooling, circulation, process, and calibration thermostats, LAUDA thermostats offer a wide working temperature range from -100 to 320°C. 

  • Malvern Panalytical – Microcal Range – Microcalorimeters

    Microcalorimeters for characterization of biomolecular stability and interactions

    MicroCal microcalorimeters are powerful, analytical tools used to study biological systems. These include interactions between molecules as well as changes i…

    Microcalorimeters for characterization of biomolecular stability and interactions

    MicroCal microcalorimeters are powerful, analytical tools used to study biological systems. These include interactions between molecules as well as changes in conformation such as protein unfolding. The technique is very convenient requiring only minimal assay development and NO labelling. The range includes both Differential Scanning and Isothermal Titration calorimetry.  

  • Malvern Panalytical – Particle Characterization – NanoSight Pro

    Characterizing Nano- and Biomaterials has never been so quick, easy, and accurate

    With the introduction of the NanoSight Pro, Malvern Panalytical provides the best in class, simple and rapid NTA solution for nano- and biomaterials character…

    Characterizing Nano- and Biomaterials has never been so quick, easy, and accurate

    With the introduction of the NanoSight Pro, Malvern Panalytical provides the best in class, simple and rapid NTA solution for nano- and biomaterials characterization.

  • Ubiquitome – Liberty16 mobile real time PCR system

    The Liberty16 is your personal qPCR machine. Run your samples without waiting, using a beautiful device that sits neatly on your bench.

    It even has a robust, stylish aluminum casing which makes it standout wherever you a…

    The Liberty16 is your personal qPCR machine. Run your samples without waiting, using a beautiful device that sits neatly on your bench.

    It even has a robust, stylish aluminum casing which makes it standout wherever you are.

    It doesn’t even need a laptop to run. Download the powerful Ubiquitome iPhone app from the App Store. It allows you to set up your run, view the run in progress, call Cq’s dynamically and even upload your data to share in the cloud.

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