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  • Particle Metrix – ZetaView

    Biological nanoparticles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs), exosomes, viruses, or virus-like particles are a rapidly growing area of research in the life sciences and nanomedical field. The rapid in vitro measurement of multi…

    Biological nanoparticles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs), exosomes, viruses, or virus-like particles are a rapidly growing area of research in the life sciences and nanomedical field. The rapid in vitro measurement of multiple physical parameters such as size, concentration, surface charge, and phenotype characteristics is the special feature of the Particle Metrix ZetaView®.

    Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) captures the Brownian motion of each particle in the video. Based on the different diffusion movements of large and small particles in the surrounding liquid, the hydrodynamic diameter of the particles is determined. Furthermore, the charge state of the particle surface (zeta potential) can be measured via the movement of the particles in an applied electric field.

    Pattern parameters, such as intensity fluctuations, surface geometry and shape of the particles as well as particle concentration are documented at each recording and can be used to distinguish sub-populations.

    All these analyzes are carried out quickly and statistically reliably as required in the scattered light or fluorescence mode.

  • Ubiquitome – Liberty16 mobile real time PCR system

    The Liberty16 is your personal qPCR machine. Run your samples without waiting, using a beautiful device that sits neatly on your bench.

    It even has a robust, stylish aluminum casing which makes it standout wherever you a…

    The Liberty16 is your personal qPCR machine. Run your samples without waiting, using a beautiful device that sits neatly on your bench.

    It even has a robust, stylish aluminum casing which makes it standout wherever you are.

    It doesn’t even need a laptop to run. Download the powerful Ubiquitome iPhone app from the App Store. It allows you to set up your run, view the run in progress, call Cq’s dynamically and even upload your data to share in the cloud.

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