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  • Biochrom – Shaker Incubators – EZ ThermoShake

    The EZ ThermoShake Shaker Incubator combines a shaker and a constant temperature chamber for heating and shaking of samples in microplates. The instrument is suitable for biochemistry, microbiology and clinical laboratories in which heat and/or sh…

    The EZ ThermoShake Shaker Incubator combines a shaker and a constant temperature chamber for heating and shaking of samples in microplates. The instrument is suitable for biochemistry, microbiology and clinical laboratories in which heat and/or shaking treatment is required. The EZ ThermoShake can hold up to 4 microplates of standard ANSI SBS dimensions and is fully programmable using the simple user-friendly interface, which provides digital readout of all parameters; RPM (revolutions per minute), temperature, time, and acceleration.

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