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Showing all 2 results

  • Lauda – Circulation Chillers

    LAUDA circulation chillers offer a comprehensive spectrum of devices for applications ranging from basic laboratory and research applications to demanding temperature control tasks in mini plants and production.

    LAUDA circulation chillers offer a comprehensive spectrum of devices for applications ranging from basic laboratory and research applications to demanding temperature control tasks in mini plants and production.

  • Lauda – Thermostat

    LAUDA thermostats are characterized by their excellent handling, highly ergonomic design, and intuitive operation. With various lines of devices including heating, cooling, circulation, process, and calibration thermostats, LAUDA thermostats offer…

    LAUDA thermostats are characterized by their excellent handling, highly ergonomic design, and intuitive operation. With various lines of devices including heating, cooling, circulation, process, and calibration thermostats, LAUDA thermostats offer a wide working temperature range from -100 to 320°C. 

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