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  • Sammic – Commercial Stick Blenders

    The Widest range of Commercial Immersion Hand Mixers.

    Complete range of Professional Immersion Blenders: enables food-processing in containers of up to 200-litre capacity.


    The Widest range of Commercial Immersion Hand Mixers.

    Complete range of Professional Immersion Blenders: enables food-processing in containers of up to 200-litre capacity.

    Liquidiser arms suitable for pureeing (vegetables, potatoes, soups, etc.) or preparing creams (onion, pepper, tomato, confectionery, etc.) and all sorts of sauces.

    Beater arms for whipping cream or preparing meringue, chantilly, mayonnaise and Genoese sauce, omelettes, pancake batter, soufflés, etc.

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