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Showing all 2 results

  • Cleaning Chemicals – Sandon Global

    We offer a range of cleaning chemicals to work with all ink types including solvent, water and UV based systems. Housekeeping is an essential part of any operation although often overlooked. The correct application of cleaning chemicals will resul…

    We offer a range of cleaning chemicals to work with all ink types including solvent, water and UV based systems. Housekeeping is an essential part of any operation although often overlooked. The correct application of cleaning chemicals will result in reduced downtime.

  • Ink Filters Earth Magnets – Sandon Global

    Protect your anilox with Sandon Global ink filters and earth magnets. A fine mesh is combined with a magnet which are accessible in ink buckets or sumps.

    Designed to collect metallic and plastic particl…

    Protect your anilox with Sandon Global ink filters and earth magnets. A fine mesh is combined with a magnet which are accessible in ink buckets or sumps.

    Designed to collect metallic and plastic particles they are easy to clean and maintain and fit various ink bucket formats. Printers will understand how particles can cause damage to the anilox engraved surface causing disruptive abrasion and score lines.

    Available for both wide web and narrow web ink systems. Full training is provided to get the best from our ink magnets.

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