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Showing 1–24 of 87 results

  • Agilent – Apparatus – 708-DS Dissolution Apparatus

    The 708-DS Dissolution Apparatus is designed for reproducibility and ease of qualification, and is the ideal platform for standardizing dissolution testing. The rugged, yet versatile, instrument minimizes external variable influences and conforms …

    The 708-DS Dissolution Apparatus is designed for reproducibility and ease of qualification, and is the ideal platform for standardizing dissolution testing. The rugged, yet versatile, instrument minimizes external variable influences and conforms to the USP Performance Verification Test (PVT) and enhanced Mechanical Qualification (MQ) standard recommended by the ASTM and FDA. The 708-DS can be configured for use with baskets (Apparatus 1), paddles (Apparatus 2), paddle over disk assemblies (Apparatus 5) and rotating cylinders (Apparatus 6), and can accommodate vessel sizes from 100 mL to 2L.

  • Agilent – Atomic Absorption Systems – 200 Series AA Systems

    Agilent leads the industry with innovative atomic absorption (AA) instruments. The entry-level SpectrAA 55B is ideal for labs in remote locations, while the 240FS and 280FS AA systems achieve the productivity of sequential ICP with Agilent’s Fas…

    Agilent leads the industry with innovative atomic absorption (AA) instruments. The entry-level SpectrAA 55B is ideal for labs in remote locations, while the 240FS and 280FS AA systems achieve the productivity of sequential ICP with Agilent’s Fast Sequential technology. 

  • Agilent – Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) and CE/MS Systems – 7100 CE System

    Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) offers fast separations with exceptional efficiency and resolution for analytical challenges that often can only be met with difficulty by LC. Used in standalone mode, as the separations component of a CE/MS, or as a…

    Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) offers fast separations with exceptional efficiency and resolution for analytical challenges that often can only be met with difficulty by LC. Used in standalone mode, as the separations component of a CE/MS, or as a complementary, orthogonal technology to LC, the new Agilent 7100 CE system brings unprecedented HPLC-like sensitivity to a wide range of analytical challenges. In addition, CE offers the advantage that several separation modes can be run on a single instrument. This makes CE a very versatile technique for a broad range of applications and separation challenges.

  • Agilent – Compact FTIR – 5500 Series

    The Agilent 5500 Series FTIR Spectrometers are designed for one purpose to provide you with great results rapidly and reliably day after day. The combination of great performing optics, innovative sampling interfaces and intuitive software provide…

    The Agilent 5500 Series FTIR Spectrometers are designed for one purpose to provide you with great results rapidly and reliably day after day. The combination of great performing optics, innovative sampling interfaces and intuitive software provides information on liquid and solid samples faster and easier than ever before.

  • Agilent – Fluorescence Spectrophotometer – Cary Eclipse

    Meet your analytical needs with an easy to use and reliable fluorescence spectrophotometer that gives you superior sensitivity where you need it most, renowned reliability and enhanced sampling capabilities. The Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorescence S…

    Meet your analytical needs with an easy to use and reliable fluorescence spectrophotometer that gives you superior sensitivity where you need it most, renowned reliability and enhanced sampling capabilities. The Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer is the proven choice for all applications in academia, life sciences, biotechnology, chemicals, energy and food testing analyses.

    The Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer is the best, no-nonsense, solution for unrivalled productivity, performance and value that will exceed all of your analytical expectations.

  • Agilent – FTIR (handheld) – 4100 ExoScan Series

    The 4100 ExoScan is a one module, 6.5 lb. system that is equally at home in the lab or at site. The system is as versatile as it is rugged and features a choice of interchangeable sampling interfaces that make the ExoScan a highly useful hand-held…

    The 4100 ExoScan is a one module, 6.5 lb. system that is equally at home in the lab or at site. The system is as versatile as it is rugged and features a choice of interchangeable sampling interfaces that make the ExoScan a highly useful hand-held mid-IR spectrometer. You can choose diffuse, grazing angle, specular reflection or spherical ATR sampling interfaces, all of which can be changed in seconds with no realignment necessary. Thus, ExoScan can handle a wide range of sample types including infrared absorbing and scattering surfaces, reflective metal surfaces with coatings and films as well as analysis of bulk materials including powders and granules.

    In the field or in the lab, the ExoScan is used to make valuable measurements on the spot, with no sample preparation. The ExoScan accurately and non-destructively measures a wide variety of materials include polymers, composites, and coatings of all types. Being handheld, it is used to measure artworks and historical artifacts for preservation, conservation, authentication or restoration. Additionally, as a field deployable spectrometer the ExoScan is often used in both geological and soil science studies for mineral identification, nutrient quantitation and ground truth studies.

  • Agilent – FTIR Spectrometer – Cary 630

    The Agilent Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer is a flexible benchtop FTIR instrument offering high performance and extraordinary ease-of-use in an ultra-compact design. It is engineered with the user in focus and provides simple, intuitive workflows to d…

    The Agilent Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer is a flexible benchtop FTIR instrument offering high performance and extraordinary ease-of-use in an ultra-compact design. It is engineered with the user in focus and provides simple, intuitive workflows to deliver meaningful answers in routine FTIR spectrometer analysis and cutting-edge research.

  • Agilent – Gas Chromatography (GC) System

    Agilent’s Gas Chromatography (GC) systems provide proven reliability, high sample throughput, and high performance for separation and analysis of compounds. These benchtop, on-line, and portable GC systems provide laboratories with increasin…

    Agilent’s Gas Chromatography (GC) systems provide proven reliability, high sample throughput, and high performance for separation and analysis of compounds. These benchtop, on-line, and portable GC systems provide laboratories with increasing analytical performance, reduced cost of ownership, and decreased capital expenditure investing. From flexible, research-grade GC instruments to robust, routine GC analyzers, Agilent offers a GC solution to meet your demands.

  • Agilent – GC/MS Instruments

    Agilent’s portfolio of GC/MS instruments provides comprehensive capabilities, allowing users to achieve sensitive, robust, and reliable GC/MS analysis of any sample in a routine setting.

    Agilent’s portfolio of GC/MS instruments provides comprehensive capabilities, allowing users to achieve sensitive, robust, and reliable GC/MS analysis of any sample in a routine setting.

  • Agilent – Graphite Tube Atomizer – GTA120

    The GTA 120 Graphite Tube Atomizer provides superior graphite furnace performance, no matter how difficult the sample,making them ideal for applications as diverse as chemical,petrochemical, food and agriculture.

    The GTA 120 Graphite Tube Atomizer provides superior graphite furnace performance, no matter how difficult the sample,making them ideal for applications as diverse as chemical,petrochemical, food and agriculture.

  • Agilent – InfinityLab Analytical LC Solutions – 1220, 1260, 1290

    Agilent InfinityLab solutions for analytical LC include highly efficient HPLC and UHPLC systems that feature latest technology while maintaining full compatibility with legacy LC instrumentation. The 1220 Infinity II LC delivers…

    Agilent InfinityLab solutions for analytical LC include highly efficient HPLC and UHPLC systems that feature latest technology while maintaining full compatibility with legacy LC instrumentation. The 1220 Infinity II LC delivers high-quality results for an affordable price. The 1260 Infinity II LC is the flexible instrument choice for operational efficiency with the 1260 Infinity II Prime LC bringing more operational convenience. The 1290 Infinity II LC embodies the next generation of liquid chromatography with ultrahigh performance for superior outcomes.

  • Agilent – LC/MS Instruments

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – MP-AES Systems – 4210 MP-AES

    The Agilent 4210 MP-AES has high sensitivity, detection limits down to ppb levels and is faster than conventional flame Atomic Absorption (AA) for a typical multi-element analysis. Best of all, the Agilent 4210 MP-AES runs on air instead of combus…

    The Agilent 4210 MP-AES has high sensitivity, detection limits down to ppb levels and is faster than conventional flame Atomic Absorption (AA) for a typical multi-element analysis. Best of all, the Agilent 4210 MP-AES runs on air instead of combustible gases.

    The safest, most cost-effective, flexible analysis with Agilent MP-AES systems

    Agilent’s industry-leading microwave plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (MP-AES) systems are powerful, cost-efficient and easy-to-use for a wide range of applications from routine analysis to complex precious metals analysis. By running on air, Agilent MP-AES systems both cost less and are safer than alternative methods that rely on flammable gases. The innovative Agilent 4210 MP-AES system offers higher sensitivity and faster throughput capabilities than flame atomic absorption.

  • Agilent – Portable FTIR – 4500 series

    The Agilent 4500 Series Portable FTIR Spectrometers are portable analyzers that support efforts associated with at site analysis of incoming materials and outgoing finished products in the chemical, food and polymer industries. They are also ideal…

    The Agilent 4500 Series Portable FTIR Spectrometers are portable analyzers that support efforts associated with at site analysis of incoming materials and outgoing finished products in the chemical, food and polymer industries. They are also ideal for proactive maintenance programs of high value equipment and machinery in construction and power production industries. Exceedingly compact, easy to use and rugged, it is a perfect match for applications that require high quality answers quickly. The combination of optics designed for reliability in non-lab environments, innovative sampling interfaces and fit-for-purpose software provides answers for liquid and solid samples at the sample site.

  • Agilent – Quadrupole Time of Flight (Q-TOF) LC/MS – 6545, 6545XT, 6560, 6500 Series, 6530, 6550

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – Sample Preparation Products

    Our suite of sample preparation products can help you to achieve better results from your analyses, while also extending the lifetime of your column and instrument components. Our purification and filtration products provide reliable results for r…

    Our suite of sample preparation products can help you to achieve better results from your analyses, while also extending the lifetime of your column and instrument components. Our purification and filtration products provide reliable results for repeated analyses. Our QuEChERS, solid phase extraction (SPE), solid phase microextraction (SPME), and supported liquid extraction (SLE) products ensure your samples are free of interferences, even with complex matrices.

  • Agilent – Single Quadrupole LC/MS – LC/MSD, LC/MSD XT

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – Time of Flight (TOF) LC/MS – 6200 Series, 6230B

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – UV-Vis & UV-Vis-NIR Systems – Cary Series

    Cary UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers continue to build upon the optical design principles proposed by Howard Cary and embodied in the world’s first commercial recording UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the Cary 11, in 1947. For more than 75 years the Car…

    Cary UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers continue to build upon the optical design principles proposed by Howard Cary and embodied in the world’s first commercial recording UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the Cary 11, in 1947. For more than 75 years the Cary design philosophy has remained the same—a spectrophotometer for those who must push the limits of performance and yet have an instrument that is adaptable to many different applications.

  • ASD – Fieldspec – NIR Analyzers

    ASD pioneered the science of field spectroscopy over 25 years ago and continues to lead the industry with the world’s most trusted field-portable UV/Vis/NIR/SWIR spectroradiometers covering the full solar reflected spectru…

    ASD pioneered the science of field spectroscopy over 25 years ago and continues to lead the industry with the world’s most trusted field-portable UV/Vis/NIR/SWIR spectroradiometers covering the full solar reflected spectrum.

    The ASD FieldSpec 4 line of full-range spectroradiometers delivers the fastest and most accurate spectral field measurements available from any commercial field-portable spectroradiometer. Continued enhancements to core instrument spectrometers and other critical components have dramatically improved overall performance, signal, and integration speeds compared to earlier models.

    ASD FieldSpec 4 spectroradiometers are designed specifically around the challenges researchers face when collecting spectral measurements in the field.

  • ASD – Labspec – NIR Analyzers

    The ASD LabSpec line of laboratory instrumentation offers laboratory-grade performance in a ruggedized, portable design suitable for benchtop analysis or transport to the sample location. ASD LabSpec analytical instrumentation performs rapid, non-…

    The ASD LabSpec line of laboratory instrumentation offers laboratory-grade performance in a ruggedized, portable design suitable for benchtop analysis or transport to the sample location. ASD LabSpec analytical instrumentation performs rapid, non-destructive materials analysis for qualitative and quantitative applications.

    The ASD LabSpec 4 product line utilizes the same spectrometer configurations as ASD’s FieldSpec line of spectroradiometers, long recognized as the “gold standard” in portable near-infrared (NIR) field spectroscopy. Employing this state-of-the-art NIR technology, these portable lab instruments can quickly and nondestructively measure a wide range of materials with absolute precision.

    The ASD LabSpec spectrometer is easily adaptable for a wide range of analytical applications. For those applications requiring a spectrophotometer, the ASD LabSpec is available with a built in fiber optic light source.

    Optimized for rapid analysis, ASD LabSpec 4 spectrometers are the ideal analytical instruments for fast-moving laboratory environments, providing instant results with no sample preparation.

  • ASD – Qualityspec – NIR Analyzers

    The QualitySpec line of NIR analyzers provides customers in industrial environments the tools necessary to perform rapid, precise, non-destructive measurements. Pair our powerful NIR sensors with calibration modeling services from ASD’s SummitCA…

    The QualitySpec line of NIR analyzers provides customers in industrial environments the tools necessary to perform rapid, precise, non-destructive measurements. Pair our powerful NIR sensors with calibration modeling services from ASD’s SummitCAL Solutions Team for a full materials analysis solution.

  • ASD – Terraspec – NIR Analyzers

    The ASD TerraSpec line of mineral analyzers provide portable, rapid and non-destructive analysis of minerals in the lab or the field. Exploration geologists appreciate the ASD TerraSpec mineral analyzer’s portability and ability to rapidly ident…

    The ASD TerraSpec line of mineral analyzers provide portable, rapid and non-destructive analysis of minerals in the lab or the field. Exploration geologists appreciate the ASD TerraSpec mineral analyzer’s portability and ability to rapidly identify key minerals. When used as an ore analyzer, results are presented in seconds to speed ore processing decisions.

  • BioDrop – Micro-Volume Measurement Platforms

    BioDrop µLITE+ Focus on micro-volume measurement performance.

    BioDrop DUO+ Boost your micro-volume capability.

    BioDrop CUVETTE So simple, you’ll wonder why no-one has done it before.

    BioDrop µLITE+ Focus on micro-volume measurement performance.

    BioDrop DUO+ Boost your micro-volume capability.

    BioDrop CUVETTE So simple, you’ll wonder why no-one has done it before.

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